Does SEO Guarantee ROI
To answer the question - it depends.
Many marketers or website owners use SEO to make sure that their product or website is visible in search results online. Some even achieve the ultimate marketers’ dream - getting the #1 spot in Google results. But isn’t getting the #1 spot in search results good news? Not if you are looking into Return of Investment (ROI) for your SEO
Getting the #1 spot in Google results may add spice but isn’t a guarantee of a return on investment.
Instead of focusing on getting to the top results page, let’s determine what are the challenges that result in not getting your ROI. Let’s also define what is SEO ROI and focus on reassessing some factors towards achieving your goal.
What is SEO ROI
Return of Investment (ROI) is one thing that you want to get after investing in an SEO campaign.
It’s easy to understand. Put it this way, if you have invested $5,000 in a campaign, then you need more than $5,000 in return. Simple.
But before going into that, we’ll first understand what are the possible challenges before reaching that goal.
- Poor content and user experience.
The goal of our SEO is to improve the user experience for your website. This is because Google rates user experience above all other factors in SEO. It impacts your SEO performance, that’s why it should be a priority.
If you are optimising your website, it’s your job to make sure that the content and your website are made for users. - Your website isn’t optimised for conversion.
Poor user experience will lead to poor conversions. Conversions refer to your new sales, new email subscriber, and even new social shares. Your website must be optimised for all three. - Your website doesn’t attract enough leads.
Visitors may never come back after their visit. That is why it is important for you to have and promote your email list.
Visitors will not buy your product the first time they visit your website. And you should do everything to get them and add them to your email list. This is a way for you to build relationships with your prospects and convert them as you go along this process. - Your Product or service is inaccurate.
At this point, SEO and more traffic won’t help you to get your ROI. If what you’re trying to sell is a bad product or service.
Once you are confident about your business or your product, you can proceed to the next step.
How to Get an ROI from SEO
It is important to estimate your ROI for a campaign. This will measure the performance of an SEO tool service that you are using.
However, ROI isn’t all that predictable. Because there are a lot of factors that affect it -- change like Google’s algorithm for one. Today you might get to the top results but SEO algorithm updates will also affect your online visibility tomorrow. No one can predict what’s ahead.
If you’ve opted for Self-Managed SEO, estimation comes in handy for you. Estimation is a useful guide to knowing where you stand, whether you are reaching your ROI goal or not. You can even use it to improve and correct your action plans.
For Managed SEO, our dedicated SEO Specialists will collaborate with you to help achieve your project ROI. You can expect from our SEO Specialists help in implementing your SEO action plans. And will send out reports -- including tracking conversions -- for your website.
There are many different ways to estimate your ROI using our SEO Tool. Here we use very simple and usually precise estimations.
- Focus on keywords.
Choosing the right keywords for your project impacts your online visibility.
With our SEO tool, the system will do the research for you. It checks areas to improve on your website. It also checks your target keywords against your competitors. Follow this linked guide to learn more about how to view and manage your health results. - Focus on creating better title tags and meta-tags for your content.
This may not have a great effect on your ROI. But if you make a good impression on your website or your product online, it can increase your click-through rates. This gives big benefits to your leads and rankings.
To sum it up, Return of Investment doesn’t only focus on getting to the #1 spot in search results. The achievement in getting ROI still depends on how you build your SEO Action Plans for a campaign. Both Self-Managed and Managed SEO must maintain keen observations with your results and where you need to improve on to gain more leads and conversions. Learn more on how long will it take to make your website appear in search results in this linked guide.
For further assistance, or if you have any questions related to our SEO tools, please don’t hesitate to contact us.