
Knowledge Base

How To Create a Subdomain in Plesk

The purpose of a Subdomain is to create division and organise different sections of your website. Your Subdomain is simply an extension of your registered domain name. You can create a Subdomain via Plesk which you’ll learn in this guide.

To create a Subdomain in your Plesk control panel, follow the steps below:

  1. Access your Hosting Manager.
  2. Click Websites & Domains from the left-side menu.
  3. Click on the Add Subdomain button at the top of the page.
  4. In the Subdomain name field, enter the name you want to give your subdomain.
  5. In the field beside it, your primary domain is set by default. Click on it if you would like to select and connect your subdomain to a different domain name.
  6. Under Hosting Settings, the Document root is automatically created by the system. You can specify a different path or you can leave it as is.
  7. Click OK.
    If creation is successful, you will be routed back to the Websites & Domains page with the following notification at the top:
    √Information: The subdomain was created.
  8. You can scroll down to find your new subdomain and its management options.
    A subdomain folder will also be automatically created in your database. To check, go to your Plesk panel’s File Manager, open the Home directory folder, and look for the folder that is named after your subdomain, e.g. subdomain.mydomain.com.

TIP: Many businesses use subdomains to establish branding. It helps them focus on separate product lines because a subdomain creates a separate URL, and thus, sets up its own web presence.

Additionally, you can create email accounts using your subdomain extension. For example, with the subdomain blog.mydomain.com you can create email addresses such as:

    • [email protected]
    • [email protected]
    • [email protected]

If you need any assistance creating subdomains, please contact our 24/7 technical support.

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