
Knowledge Base

How To Set Up Email Exchange With Outlook 2016

Setting up an Email Exchange account for Outlook 2016 is different than it is for previous versions of Outlook. If you need to set up a different version, please search for that version specifically in our documentation.

Make sure you have created your mailbox in the Exchange Manager before setting it up in Outlook 2016.

If you have, then you can continue.

The main difference between Outlook 2016 and the previous versions of the program is that manual setup of Exchange Email accounts is no longer supported. As such, automatic setup settings must be used. If you have bought Email Exchange from Crazy Domains and your name servers are correctly set, then your Exchange server is already set up for auto discover. You do not need to do anything else.

If you are using your own name servers, you will need to create the proper SRV record manually on your DNS control panel.


Setting Up Email Exchange With Outlook 2016

You can set up Email Exchange with Outlook 2016 by doing the following:

  1. Open the Control Panel and click Mail.

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Outlook 2016 Mail Icon in Control Panel
  2. In the window that opens, click the Show Profiles button.

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Show Profile Button in Outlook 2016 Mail Setup
  3. In the window that opens, click the Add button.

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Add Button in Outlook 2016 Mail Setup
  4. In the window that opens, enter your profile name and click OK.

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Add Profile Name in Outlook 2016 Mail Setup
  5. Enter your profile information, as in the screenshot, and click Next.

    Screenshot of CD Email Exchange Auto Account Setup Window in Outlook 2016

Outlook 2016 will now log you into the Email Exchange server and you will be able to manage your email using Outlook 2016.

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