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.co.uk Domain Name Registration

United Kingdom .CO.UK domain name

The sovereign nation of the UK, or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to give it its full title, is made up of four countries that all hate each other.

While the UK is notable for the large British empire, it is more commonly remembered for its Queen and incessant rainfall. But what brings England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland together now more than ever is the succinct new .CO.UK domain.

.CO.UK is the new domain that's fresher than the North wind on Southend seafront.

  • .CO.UK is for anyone in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  • .CO.UK isn't restricted for personal or business use, so it's the most versatile UK domain around.
  • .CO.UK is the ideal domain for protecting your brand and compliments your existing domains.